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indiana state fair queen with a celebration of champion winner

Current Donors

Updated on March 4, 2025

A Classic Expo and Party Rental
ADM Animal Nutrition
ADM, Inc.
AES Indiana
Ag Plus In Honor of Craig Sherbahn
Albanese Confectionery Group, Inc.
American Dairy Association of Indiana
American Endowment Foundation
American Online Giving Foundation
The Andersons, Inc.
Avondale Meadows Academy
Ball State University
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
Bedel Financial Consulting
Bio Town Ag, Inc.
Bishop Insurance Agency Inc.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Indianapolis, Inc.
Britton Falls Discover Indy Club
Browning Day
Cambridge Charitable Gift Fund
Cardinal Ethanol, LLC
Casey's General Stores
Cass County Farm Bureau Inc.
CenterPoint Energy
Chip-N Seal Farms
The CISCO Companies
Clark County Farm Bureau Inc
Committee to Elect Bob Cherry
Cook Group, Inc.
Corteva Agriscience
Cox Cattle Farms
Crawford County Farm Bureau
CS Transport, LLC
D-1 Restoration LLC
Dippin Dots
Eclipse Staffing and Security
Eli Lilly and Company
Elkhart County 4-H Fair
Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
Fare Foods Corp.
Farm Credit Mid-America
First Farmers Bank & Trust
Funk Family Farm
Galaxy Amusement Sales, Inc.
Gibson County Farm Bureau Inc.
Grand Rapids Popcorn
Greentown Lions Club D/B/A Howard County 4-H Fair
Gregory & Appel, Inc.
Haas & Wilkerson Insurance
Halderman Farm Management Service, Inc.
Hathaway Strategies, LLC
The Heritage Group
Hopkins Food Service
Howard County Farm Bureau, Inc.
IAFE Education Foundation
Ice Miller LLP
Indiana Beef Cattle Association
Indiana Corn Marketing Council
Indiana Ethanol Producers Association, Inc.
Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance
Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc
Indiana Horsemen Benevolent & Protective Association Inc.
Indiana Lions Foundation Inc
Indiana Pork
Indiana Secretary of State
Indiana Soybean Alliance
Indiana Sports Corp
Indiana Standardbred Association
Indiana State Poultry Association
International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employees Local 30
Jack Rodibaugh & Sons, Inc.
Japan-America Society of Indiana
JPMorgan Chase Bank
Keystone Cooperative
Koorsen Fire & Security
Krieg DeVault, LLP
LaPorte County Farm Bureau
LDI, Ltd.
LEAP Foundation
Lilly Scholars Network
Marion County Farm Bureau Inc.
Master Spas
Maywood Farms
Meatball Factory LLC
Merrill Lynch
The Mind Trust
Mothershead Foundation
N.K. Hurst Co.
National FFA Organization
North American Midway Entertainment, LLC
Old National
Pacers Sports & Entertainment
PayPal Giving Fund
POET Biorefining - Alexandria
Purdue University
Purdue University Extension
Radio One
Raymond James Global Account
Red Gold, Inc.
Rose Acre Farms
Rule Show Pigs
SaleRingLive LLC
Schmidt Associates
SDE Farms Inc.
Sease, Gerig & Associates
Shiel Sexton
Showmen Supplies, Inc.
Shreve Foundation
Shuter Sunset Farms, Inc.
Spriestersbach Farm Corporation
Stoney Creek Veterinary Services
Sugarlands Distilling Company
Sullivan County Farm Bureau
Swain's Concessions
Tennessee Valley Fair
Turner Construction Company
United Animal Health, Inc.
United Way of Central Indiana
Urick Concessions, LLC
Veridus Group, Inc.
Victory Creek Riding Academy
Visit Indy
Weaver Family Foundation
Wells County Farm Bureau, Inc.
Willoughby Sales Custodial
Wilson Concessions
Mr. W. Michael Ainley
Ms. Rosanne Altstatt
Mark Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Andrews
Armstrong Family
Justin and Julie Audenaert
Ms. Luanne Aurelius
Ayers Family
Ms. Alma Banning
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Barker
Ms. Kim Barnhart
Ms. Sara Bartleson
Mr. Ron Bastin
Ms. Alexis K. Behnkendorf
Bell Family
Bender Family
Katherine Benedict
Bennett Family
Mr. Daniel Benson
Berenda Family
Mr. Timothy Beretta
Ms. Nancy Berry
Bewley Family
Robert & Waneta Bishop
Kelly Bogan
Ms. Ruth Bogan
Ms. Lisa Bolander
Bollenbacher Family
Bonney Family
Mr. Robert Bookhart
Bowman Family
Bradford Family
Ms. Bonita Bray
Marshelle Broadwell
Brockhaus Family
Deborah Bronnenberg
Broyles Family
Mr. David L. Brumbaugh
Brunswick Family
Brunt Family
Michele Bulington
Mr. Doug Bulthuis
Mr. Bill Bush

Dick Butler
Chris Cain
Calder Family
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery W. Campbell
Ms. Janet Capps
Carey Family
Mr. Emmitt Carney
Ms. Mary Ellen Carpenter
Carpenter Family
Ms. Donna Carr-Roberts
Carrell Family
Ms. Emily Carter
Carter Family
Jim and Janice Cates
Mr. Kevin Cates
Brent Charlton
Chastain Family
Chestnut Family
Ms. Linda Christensen
Ellsworth and Nancy Christmas
Maryanne Clark
Mr. Jeff Click
Ms. Loralie Coffin
Linda Cook
Cooper Family
Mr. and Mrs. Brent S. Cox
Craft Family
Douglas Crall
Mr. Eric Crown
Barry and Janet Crump
Culbreth Family
Culp Family
Ms. Vicki Cummings
Mr. Tom Cupka
Mr. Ken Daly
The Daniels Family
Davis Family
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Davison
Ellen DeFreese
Devlin Family
Dickson Family
Ms. Sally Dietzler
Ms. Barbara Dirks
John N. Dirlam
Dodd Family
Leslie Donchetz and Michael Dick
Mr. Dominick Dufner
Ms. Amanda Duncan
Mr. Jim Dussinger
Ms. Sylvia Dyar
Ms. Nancy Eagle
Mr. Doug Edge
Mr. Paul Edwards
Elliott Family
Ms. Susanne Ellman
Ms. Elizabeth Engelhardt
Mr. Mike Etchison
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Evens
Everman Family
Mr. and Mrs. David Farmer
Mr. John Farrar
Ms. Emily Featherstone
Mrs. Setara Felton
Ms. Eugenia Fernandez
Feuquay Family
Finney Family
Mr. Kenneth Fisher
Linda and Bruce Flanagan
The Fleece Family
Fogg Family
Fonner Family
Mr. Mark Ford
Sam and Joni Frain
Mitch and Lindsey Frazier
Jay and Marjorie Freeman
Ms. Sarah Frigo
A Fairgrounds Friend
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Gall
Gard Family
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gauck
Gault Family
Mr. Brian Geraghty
Dr. Tracey Gillespie and Mr. Mark Keehn
Gillis Family
Mr. Bruce Gingerich
Glassburn Family
Leslie Glowacki
Goettemoeller Family
Earl and Vicki Goode
Gratz Family
Green Family
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gregg
Ms. Maria Guerra
Mr. and Mrs. David Haak
Tom and Susie Hacker
Ms. Judy Hamilton
Harpham Family
Chris & Lisa Harris
Clint Harrison
Haseley Family
Ms. Linda Hash
Mr. Andrew Havics
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Haymaker
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Heber
Mr. Nicholas Heck
Marshall and Janet Hedrick
Mr. Robert Heine
Mr. Joe Hempstead
Mr. & Mrs. Henchel
Hensley Family
Mr. Douglas Herd
Hershberger Family
Randy and Sonja Hesser
Hicks Family
Kerri and Aaron Hilbers
Ryan Hilton
Himes Family
Hofing Family
Mr. and Mrs. John Holloway
Mr. Allen Honerlaw
Ms. Deb Hook
Ms. Tami Hoover
Cynthia Hoye
Patricia A. Hudson
Melissa Huff
Mr. Tracy Hunter
Hunter Family
Danny and Diane Huston
Huston Family
Mr. Karl Illg
Ingram Family
Anthony and Marjorie Izzo
Mr. Michael Jack
Mr. John Jacob
Ms. Carol Jeffries
Johns Family
Mr. Dan Johnson
Matt and Jennifer Johnson
Dr. Jeffrey Jones
Lila Jones
R.A. Jones
Jones Family
Ms. Debbie Julian
Prachi Kamble
Mr. Don Kaufman
Kelley Family
Mr. Doug Kellis
Kerkhof Family
Mr. and Mrs. James Kilmer
Mr. Art Kim
Ms. Laura Kirby
Mr. Robert A. Kirk
Ms. Diane Kirschner
Klemm Family
Koss Family
Kraft Family
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kuhn
Ms. Julie LaFore
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Lamb
Arick and Tammy Landis
Mr. and Mrs. George Lanning
Chad and Tina Lauer
Mr. Ed Lausch
Ms. Isabella Liao
Lis Family
Leigh Littiken
James T. Lockwood, Jr.
Logue Family
Mr. Jose Lopez
Ruth Anne Loser
Lottman Family
Lowes Family
Ms. Kathryn Mahern
Ms. Connie Maish
Ms. Bonnie Marcy

Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Marrinan, III
Cesar Marron
Masten Family
Marty and Robin Matlock
Claire and Andy Maxson
Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Maxwell
Mr. Greg May
May Family
Mr. Robert B. McClure
McClure Family
McComb Family
Ms. BJ McElroy
McGurk Family
Mr & Mrs Greg McKenzie
Mr. Craig McLaren
Ms. Karen McTague
Meny Family
Rusty and Jeanette Merritt
Ms. Stephanie Metz
Garry and Lisa Miller
Misch Family
Jeff & Gwen Mize
Elisha Modisett Kemp
Ms. Donna Mommer
Ms. Donna Monroe
Moore Family
Family of Don Moreau
Morris Family
Mortensen Family
Mosser Family
Katie Nelson
Ms. Marcia Nelson
Marc and Robbie Nelson
Sandy & Sam Neukam
Mr. Jim Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Nichols
Mr. Nate Norris
Norris Family
Kathi O'Farrell
Mr. Edward O'Neill
Gail Ocana
Ocken Family
Mr. Pete Oren
Justin and Samantha Orme
Michael and Cynthia Patterson & Family
Paxson Family
Peters Family
Mr. Eric Peterson
Ms. Brenda Pettigrew
Mr. Michael Peyton
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Phelps
Phipps Family
Ms. Melanie Pickett
Plake Family
Plantenga Family
Alfred E. Polin
Mr. Gary Potts
Mr. William Potts
Ms. Lennyce Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Prichard
Ms. Linda Priso
Gail Ratclif
Ms. Alison Reed
Ms. Chelsea Render
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Rensch
Ms. Lucretia Reuter
Ms. Jane Rexing
Rice Family
Robbins Family
Robison Family
Rodibaugh Family
Ms. Tamara Roe
Mr. John Roselle
Lauren Sallee
Salmon Family
Ms. Carrie Sample
Sandefur Family
Ms. Susan Sawyer
Scarborough Family
Ms. Kris Schaefer
Mr. Fritz Schanz
Greg and Claudia Schenkel
Steve and Gloria Schneider
Schoenemann Family
Schreeg Family
Mr. Sven Schumacher
Ms. Mary Schwartz
Ms. Greta Scodro
Ms. Emily Scott
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Sease
Ms. Mary Ann Sedletzeck
Mr. David M. Seward
Ms. Beth Anne Sheets
Shroyer Family
Fred and Linda Siktberg
Mr. Rick Silvey
The Voice of the Fair for 58 Years
David Sinclair Family
Ms. Cathy Sipe
Ms. Ruth Slabach
Monica Smiley
Mr. Carl Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Smith
Nikki Smith
Ms. Faye Snodgress
Dr. and Mrs. Richard (Sharon) Sommers
Souder Family
Teena and David Spear
Nora Spitznogle
Charles Sponhauer
Ms. Jo Ann Sporleder
Ms. Ann Stankiewicz
Stofer Family
Mr. Greg Stricker
Stroud Family
Terry and Karen Strueh
Mr. Brian Summers
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy K. Swaim
Tarver Family
Mr. Bruce Tatman
Ms. Pam Thinnes
Caleb and Jean Thomas
Ms. Carrie Thompson
John and Norma Thompson
Thompson Family
Todd Townsend
Tressler Family
John and Ann Trimble
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Trotter
Trumbower Family
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Turpin
Ms. Kay Tusing
Christopher T. Uebelhor
Unger Family
Ms. Lisa VanMeter
Mr. and Mrs. Don Villwock
Ms. Jennifer Vonderwell
Ms. Linda Walker
Ardath Waller
Mr. Richmond Walton
Mr. Matthew Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Warkentien
Katie Warnock
Ms. Karen Weatherwax
Weaver Family
Wechter Family
Mr. Ryan Weldy
Ms. Andrea Welker
Werstler Family
Ms. Julie Wesner
Ms. Vicky White
Wiegand Family
Wilber Family
Ms. Kathy Williams
Olgen and Mary Williams
Brian & Amber Wilmouth
Ms. Sue Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. James Wischmeier
Mr. Benjamin Wisehart
Ms. Sherry Wood
Woodall Family
Gordon Woods
Michael and Maggie Woods
Mr. Nate Woods
Woods Family
Mr. David Wooldridge
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan J. Yoder
Mr. Tyler Yoder
Yoder Family
Zeller Family
Geoff and Angie Zentz
Zerr Family
Jerry Zimmerman, Ph.D.
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